Friday, August 20, 2010

Hello again bloggy world! Long time, no see.

I'm Alive! (for all of you KISS fans out there :P)

So I haven't posted anything new in about a week or so. And I know all (2) of you have just been heart sick over the depravation and lack of my daily amazing posts ;).

I guess my absence was due to bloggy overload, sick kids (Gunner had his very first stomach virus! Yay! Barf.), training for my new job, interviewing for another, my new photography class, adding more items to my Etsy shop, self teaching photoshop to my already overloaded brain, helping a new, great friend develop parts of her new website for mommies (Check it out here: The Joy of Giving Birth -I will be posting more about this wonderful site later :), and so on and so forth. So needless to say, I've been busy. And kinda burnt out. And the thought of having to blog on top of it made me want to curl up in a ball and hide.

You see, I am very lazy. So all of this new found motivation and momentum has really got me going against my natural procrastinate-y sensibilities. Posting a daily blog isn't that complicated, so you may be thinking, what's the big deal? And it's not a big deal. I guess you can say that doing one more thing this past week aka writing a blog post that has effort, humor, thought, wit, etc put into it (you see, even though I am a lazy sod, I am a sight perfectionist and I want this blog to be quality, not just quantity. Not just empty, lazy, weak posts just for the sake of posting) was basically the straw that broke this mommy's back.

So that's about it. I have a new resolve at the moment to not let myself become overwhelmed. And while I will honestly try to post great things everyday, forgive me if you see gaps now and again. I promise to never abandon you! :) I love all of my sweet readers and I really appreciate you for coming and reading about this little mommy's life. I love all of your comments, and I hope that we can stick it out together, it being life.

All of you procrasitantors, I encourage you to visit this blog: Recovering Lazyholic and her website:
She is truly a woman after my own heart and I love her blog and website so much. I love what she is trying to do with her life and lazy tendencies, and I am so there with her. :)

Now with that out of the way, I can tell you I do have a ton of stuff I need to post, lots of goings on happening around here. So to make up for my abscence, I'll be posting a pants load today and tomorrow!
So stick around.

I promise to.


(Oh and I know I owe 3 more open letters, and I have them in mind. But I'm taking a break from them for now. They are really important to me and I want to get them right :))

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