Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photo Challenge Winners #3! :)

Here are the winners of my 3rd photo challenge!

The challenge was Story Time! See all the contest info and all of the entries here.

1st place goes to...

Sarah from Loving My Life!

Here is your button Sarah! Congrats!

2nd place goes to:

Shannie from Wiz Man'll Never Fit You Like The Wiz Kid Did!

Here's your button Shannie! Congrats!

3rd place goes to:
Dina from 4 Lettre Words!

Congrats Dina! Here's your button!

4th place goes to:

Kimberly from Bugaboo, Mini, Mr and Me!

Congrats Kimberly! Here's your button!

Honorable mentions are...
Katie from Kaite's Clicks!

Caroline from Caroline Atelier

Angela from Just Me Photography!

Congrats ladies! Here's your button!

And here are you TPRM favorites!

Natalie from The Franklins! 

Anika from Pasando!

Deanna Leigh from Deanna Leigh Photography!

Anna from Absolute Anna!

Congrats ladies! Here is your button!

Congrats to all of my beautiful winners! And thx to all of you that participated! You guys rock. 

Coming up next- photo challenge #4- only one more to go before the vote off!

Love you guys.



  1. Somehow I completely missed this one!

  2. Thanks for picking my Evolution as a favorite! Good luck to all of you with the upcoming challenges! :)

  3. These are so beautiful! I would totally buy these pictures. They are THAT good!Congrats to the winners!!



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