...Finally here! I know you all probably think I abandoned you, but fear not! I haven't.
Since it was so nice of my teacher to accept the not-very-easy job of judging all of the amazing pictures that came in, I let her take the time she needed to judge them. It had to be put off several times due to the fact that she, unlike me, has a real job! LOL! And she got attacked in Rio last week, so I let it slide. (I can LOL right here because she was not seriously injured, just shaken up. And she's ok!)
*To see all of the original entries please visit this post:
So my fabulous judge is the awesome photographer Lisa Wiltse- visit her site here. And marvel at her awesome pix and bajillion amazing photography awards! :D She really took judging seriously and put a lot of thought into her picks. She picked the winner and all of the runners up and honorable mentions.
The winners will recieve:
1st- A feature on TPRM and 2 of my homemade guest soaps of their choice! Also, the winner's photo will be placed in the running for the final vote off after the end of the challenges (4 more).
2nd, 3rd, 4th- Runner's up will have their buttons placed on my front page for a week with a post linking to their sites. Also, the runners up photos will be placed in the running for the final vote off after the end of the challenges (4 more).
Honorable mentions- A post linking to their sites.
In 1st place, we have, drumroll please....
Tiffany from They Call Me Mama!
Here is her winning photo:
And Tiffany also nabbed 2nd place with this adorable pic!
Congrats to Tiffany for nabbing 1st AND 2nd place! Here are some buttons you can put on your blog to show off! :)

In 3rd place we have...
Anna from Absolut Anna!
Anna, here is a button for you to grab!

In 4th place is...
Katie from The Journalings of a Julius!
Katie, here's your button!

Our honorable mentions are:
Vidya from The Dreaming Press!
Ashley from Ramblings and Photos!
Kakunaa from Spermination Station!
Here's your button ladies! Congrats!

And now, my personal favorite part (cause I got to pick 'em!), TPRM's favorites!
Michelle from Falafel and the Bee!
Claire from Claire's Creations and Photography!
Kimberly from Bugaboo, Mini, Mr & Me!
Tezzie from Not Always Picture Perfect!
Kristin from Dragondreamer's Lair!
Caroline from Atelier Caroline!
And lastly, but certainly not leastly-
Anna from Absolut Anna!
(*Side note- This is my personal super fave- this is a little restaurant in the itty bitty town where Anna and I grew up, Union, SC. Gene- the guy that runs and owns it- has been running it and cooking there everyday since I was a little kid and well before that! He's still there everyday, making delicious hamburgers for my dad! Love you Dad and Gene! Oh, and the chicken truck? It's legendary. :D
Anna- when I saw you entered this, I died laughing and then cried cause I loved it so much! TY!)
Here is your button ladies! Congrats!

So there you have it!
Congrats to all the winners! (Your featured post will be up tomorrow!)
And if you didn't win, don't worry! I'm posting a NEW challenge tomorrow!
And this time there won't be 2 weeks in between challenges, so join me here EVERY Tuesday for a new challenge!
Thanks to everyone who participated and made my first photo challenge EXTREMELY awesome!
You guys rock!
PS- Don't forget to check out the new section of my site- http://thepunkrockmom.blogspot.com/p/photo-challenges.html
This is where I'll keep an archive of my challenges and the winners! Tidy! :D
Woohoo!! Button will be going up soon :) beautiful entries!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great challenge! And I'm so honored to have received honorable mention. Tiffany really did have 2 great photos - she's so good. I'm looking forward to the next round. Now I'm off to check out some of these other photographers!
ReplyDeleteSo glad I did good and everyone else did amazing too Ill try to email you as soon as I can I have a super busy week but if you want to add me on facebook you can bc its easier. im under tiffany franklin!
ReplyDeleteAw shoot! Just when I finally downloaded my pics. Cant wait for the next challenge! Or did I miss that too. Man you're off the computer for a few days and you miss so much. Oh wait, btw congrats to the winners! ;o)
ReplyDeleteYay! Thank you so much! Grabbing a button and bragging about it!
ReplyDeleteThank you Maryanne, it feels so good to see the winning photos and ur eye for picking and honoring the great shots!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all of you! You all had such great shots, it was an honor to honor you! :D
ReplyDelete@imperfect momma- I'm putting up a new challenge today! So you can still participate! :D
A huge congrats to the winners! Wonderful photos, all of them :D And, thank you MaryAnne, for chosing one of mine as a favourite! I hope to 'play' again...if time allows this week!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! I love all of your photos Tezzie!
ReplyDeleteThanks MA and I thought you'd get a kick out of the Gene's pic! <3
ReplyDeleteFrom Bali With Love,